On 15 September, eCharge4Drivers partner POLIS and TU/ecomotive hosted a special event at the POLIS offices in Brussels to delve into the future of urban mobility. The TU/ecomotive student team unveiled their newest invention, Eterna, a novel electric car made of durable materials, and joined public officials and mobility leaders from the projects eCharge4Drivers and SCALE for lively discussions on the innovative solutions developed by both projects to make urban mobility more sustainable. The event offered inspiring examples of the work being done on the ground to incentivise sustainable modes of transport and posed important questions about the future direction of Europe’s mobility governance.

In the afternoon panel discussion on the work done by project leaders, cities, and regions in Europe to advance the mobility transition, Pedro Gomes, Project Manager and Coordinator of the Clean Vehicles & Air Quality Working Group at POLIS, shared valuable findings from the eCharge4Drivers project. He highlighted the need to accelerate EV adoption by making it more cost-effective for users and unlocking the growing potential of EV batteries. The panel also addressed the goals and challenges of electromobility and discussed the importance of alternative travel modes and shared transit.


You can read a more detailed summary of the event on the POLIS website.