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Demonstration areas
About eCharge4Drivers
eCharge4Drivers works to improve the Electric-Vehicle charging experience in urban areas and on interurban corridors, making it more convenient for users to go green! The project will demonstrate additional convenient charging options within cities, a mobile charging service, charge points at lamp posts, networks of battery swapping stations for Light Electric Vehicles and a transportable charging station service to cover temporary needs.
- An Electric Vehicle Charging Location Planning Tool to guarantee the optimum mix of charging options to cover users’ needs.
An Electric Vehicle Charging Location Planning Tool to guarantee the optimum mix of charging options to cover users’ needs.
- Recommendations for legal and
regulatory harmonisation.
Recommendations for legal and regulatory harmonisation.
- Guidelines for investors and authorities for the sustainability of charging infrastructure and services.
Guidelines for investors and authorities for the sustainability of charging infrastructure and services.
eCharge4Drivers solutions

Watch our final video with live footage from the eCharge4Drivers demonstrations

Download our Final Brochure and discover the eCharge4Drivers main results