
This page lists the eCharge4Drivers deliverables (public and confidential):

  • Public deliverables, which have been submitted, are available for download by expanding the boxes below;
  • Confidential deliverables have a short non-confidential executive summary, which can be downloaded by expanding the boxes below;
  • Some deliverables are not yet available. They year in which they are due is specified in the boxes below.

Deliverables per Work Package

WP1 deliverables – A priori users’ concerns, expectations and perceptions

D1.1 Study questions and KPIs

Public deliverable, available here

D1.2 A priori users’ concerns & expectations relevant to EV charging

Public deliverable, available here

D1.3 Use cases for demonstrations

Confidential deliverable.

Public summary: This deliverable reports on the work performed under Task 1.4 ‘Use cases refinement’. This task refined the use cases for each area, specifying the users’ categories to be targeted, the type and location of charging infrastructure or other charging options to be demonstrated and the interoperable services that need to be adapted and deployed.

The Use Case based approach methodology adopted in eCharge4Drivers describes in a practical but precise manner the interactions amongst the various actors that will facilitate the accomplishment of the objectives of the relevant functionalities to be deployed. Moreover, it captures all the functional requirements of the respective process or function, as well as other related non-functional requirements (e.g. performance, security and interoperability) and in general ensure a common understanding of the functionality for all the stakeholders.

The deliverable provides an overview of the use cases that will be demonstrated within the project and introduces the general features of the sites in which the demonstrations will occur. The two main groups of Actors have been described (the Business Actors and Technical Actors); the Use Cases have been defined and classified into three Use Case “families” (User-centric and interoperable charging

technologies/infrastructure, Advanced user-centric and interoperable e-mobility services, Decision Support tools towards sustainable e-mobility growth) and the demonstration sites areas have been


The demonstration sites’ information related to the overall settings and the stakeholders involved has been clarified and detailed, by providing the availability of all the requirements needed for each use case to reach the predefined objectives. For every area the user categories, the details of the available charging infrastructure the stakeholder who will take part in the demonstration have been highlighted.

WP2 deliverables – Charging infrastructure and services requirements for a better User Experience

D2.1 Design of enhanced services and new charging concepts

Confidential deliverable.

Public summary: This deliverable reports the work performed under Tasks 2.1 “Enhanced access to the charging infrastructure” and 2.2 “Design of novel user centric charging concepts”. T2.1 focuses on studies of the route planner service and the booking service, which are app-based services, while T2.2 focuses on studies of smart charging, battery swapping, and mobile charging, which are on-site services. The report presents the eCharge4Drivers methodology for specifying the concept and design of the five interoperable software services for the users, i.e. route planning, booking service, smart charging, battery swapping service and mobile charging service. The adopted methodology is based on two phases: i) analysis focuses on the business opportunities and challenges, the high-level functionalities, the market analysis and the user stories; ii) design focuses on the requirements, the conceptual architecture, the information flow as well as the communication protocol.

The work performed on the app-based service such as route planner and booking service is described: The enhanced route planner addresses the different parts that must be taken into consideration for a holistic solution. Technical and environmental elements were analysed to shape the foundations of the system to be implemented, including the user profile and preferences, user interface and algorithms.

The market analysis studied diverse market-ready solutions like Evway, A better route planner, Zap-Map EV, Plug Charge or the route planner provided by Tesla. Also, high-level requirements were described grouped in categories (Access, Usability, Performance, Security and Commitment). The architecture, which was developed based on use cases, demonstration site constraints and state of the art

of technologies involved, provides a conceptual overview of the system to be developed. Users also had the opportunity to provide their feedback through a survey that guided the designers in prioritising the functionalities to be implemented. Indicative examples are that the user wants to be able to set up some generic preferences before planning the route, have knowledge of the predicted occupancy of the charging point before arriving there, have an estimation of the state of charge that they will have before arriving at the next charging point, or book the charging point 10 minutes before arriving while in the navigation mode.

For the booking service the business opportunities and challenges were investigated, as well as the high-level functionalities (regarding the user preferences, the occupancy and the booking commitment).

In the design phase, the booking service requirements were described and grouped into categories like Usability, Supportability, Performance, Security, Interface and Booking Commitment. In the validation phase, users expressed their concerns about having a compensation to customers that are unable to charge in a booked charging point because the point is already occupied, receive real time

information from the charging point, to be able to pay with different options or start and stop the charging session using the booking app.

Studies were performed for the on-site services such as smart charging, battery swapping and mobile charging. The examined smart charging services serve diverse business objectives: smart charging by the EV user, power constrained smart charging, smart charging towards cost minimisation, smart charging for better battery ageing mitigation, smart charging within the micro-grid context, smart charging towards EV/RES synergy and V2X smart charging. A generic concept including all relevant information flows was performed to cover and meet all requirement of all demonstration sites.

A generic design was customised for each demonstration site taking into consideration its local technical requirements and constraints.

The design of battery swapping stations is a key element to boost electric mobility in urban areas. The models designed in eC4D are two different solutions to the same problem: one focused on

standardisation of batteries and OEM partnerships, and the other on stations with multiple battery types to let consumers decide, with a more complex operation.

The mobile charging concept is designed to provide the charging service to customers who park their EVs in areas where no or limited charging infrastructure exists. The specification, comprising architecture, functionalities, communication protocols and data structure, are described.

D2.2 Accessibility requirements, tariff schemes and incentives

Public deliverable, available here

WP3 deliverables – User-centric charging systems

D3.1 User-friendly charging stations for passenger cars and L3e vehicles and enhanced micro grid management

Confidential demonstrator – Due in 2022

D3.2 User-friendly low power DC-charging stations and efficient charging components for passenger and L1e vehicles

Confidential demonstrator – Due in 2022

D3.3 Mobile charging and battery swapping services for end users

Confidential demonstrator – Due in 2022

D3.4 EV Charging Location Planning Tool

Confidential demonstrator – Due in 2022

WP4 deliverables – Interoperable enhanced software services for users

D4.1 Plug & Charge guidance document

Public deliverable, available here

D4.2 Report on interconnecting actors

Confidential deliverable – Due in 2022

D4.3 Enhanced interoperable services

Confidential deliverable – Due in 2022

WP5 deliverables – Demonstrations coordination and implementation

D5.1 Demonstrations setup and verification activities

Confidential deliverable – Due in 2022

D5.2 Report on demonstrations activities

Confidential deliverable – Due in 2022

WP6 deliverables – Evaluation and Impact assessment

D6.1 eCharge4Drivers Impact Assessment Methodology

Public deliverable, available here

D6.2 Interoperability assessment of end-to-end communication

Confidential deliverable – Due in 2023

D6.3 Evaluation of project developments, impact assessment and guidelines for future superfast charging systems

Confidential deliverable – Due in 2024

WP7 deliverables – Guidelines for investors and regulatory recommendations

D7.1 EV Charging market models

Public deliverable, available here

D7.2 Regulatory and harmonisation recommendations and guidelines for investors and authorities

Public deliverable, available here

WP8 deliverables – Communication, Awareness and Dissemination

D8.1 Dissemination and Communication Strategy

Public deliverable, available here

D8.2 eCharge4Drivers website

Public deliverable, available here

D8.3 Dissemination activities final report

Public deliverable, available here

WP9 deliverables – Project Management

D9.1 Project Management Plan

Confidential deliverable.

Public summary: This report analyses the project management plan comprising the work packages structure, the work and time plan for each task and subtask, the role of each partner per task

as well as the dependencies between tasks. The information reported is based in the eCharge4Drivers Grant Agreement, the Consortium Agreement and the initial partners’ discussions during the first months of the project.

This document is the first version of the project management plan, to be superseded by D9.4 and D9.5 which will incorporate a section reporting the project advancements towards project objectives.

D9.2 Quality Management Plan

Confidential deliverable.

Public summary: This deliverable sets up the definition and application of the quality plan, the appropriate mitigation strategies and the creation of a risk register. It describes the quality processes and procedures to be followed for deliverable production, revision and review, with respect to quality assessment and risk control. It also describes the risk management process, including the creation of a risk register, the identification and analysis of risks along with the risk control and response procedures.

D9.3 Data Management Plan

Confidential Open Research Data Pilot deliverable (ORDP).

Public summary: This document outlines the principles for data collection, storage and processing within the framework of the project.

eCharge4Drivers will organise demonstrations in 10 areas across Europe. To evaluate the citizens’ attitudes towards the eCharge4Drivers charging technologies and services, the consortium partners will collect and analyse various types of data relevant to the usage of the project charging solutions. Additionally, the partners will collect opinions and attitudes of people via questionnaires to be administered via wide online surveys prior and after the deployment of the eCharge4Drivers charging solutions.

The data will be processed within the framework of the project for scientific purposes to analyse mobility behaviour, actual usage of the demonstrated charging technologies and services as well as users’

charging behaviour and experiences. Only pseudonymous data that is necessary for the scientific analysis will be exploited in eCharge4Drivers.

The document provides a preliminary analysis on the types of data to be collected from or generated by the eCharge4Drivers charging solutions as well as the purposes for and utility of collecting and

processing such data.

All data processing activities within the eCharge4Drivers project comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The consent of the users to the processing of their data

will be asked. Additionally, users will be given the possibility to easily withdraw their consent and to exercise their rights deriving from the GDPR.

D9.4 Project Management Plan – First Update

Confidential deliverable.

Public summary: This report provides the updated project management plan after the first 18 months. It comprises the work packages structure, the work progress and time plan for each task and subtask, the role of each partner per task as well as the dependencies between tasks.

More specifically, the project work breakdown structure has been extensively analysed adopting a top-down approach.

The updated project management plan followed the structure of D9.1 “Project management plan” and reports the status of each WP/Task/Subtask as well as the next steps and activities plan of each

partner. Each subtask can be characterised as completed, on-going/delayed, not started yet, or new. For each subtask, one of the abovementioned statuses is assigned and a justification concerning the

work progress is provided.

D9.5 Project Management Plan – Second Update

Confidential deliverable – Due in 2023

D9.6 eCharge4Drivers exploitation strategy and innovation management

Confidential deliverable – Due in 2024